About Us

Who developed the Gibson Gorilla Kit and why?

The 'Gibson Gorilla Kit' was developed with love and conviction, by Pam Briggs in the hope that many more teachers, parents and children could experience the fun, love and sense of community which has surrounded Gilbert Gorilla, a take-home friend, at the Parish Centre Preschool. 


The 'Gibson Gorilla Kit' came out of her strong conviction that children need to be happy to thrive in educational situations...Gibson helps them be happy and open to learning. 

From her four years of having Gilbert Gorilla at the Parish Centre Preschool, Pam guarantees that Gibson Gorilla will become the most treasured resource for any teacher of children three to eight.


Gibson builds relationships and helps children practise responsibility 

Gibson will become the most loved 'resource' of your early childhood institution or primary school class. He will have countless 'sleepovers' with your children and their families. He will build up a journal of photos and stories for everyone to share, which will honour the culture of each family... 
  • belonging to all,

  • being*  with each child and

  • becoming*  the 'heart' of your organisation

* Concepts from the EYLF Australia

    What is the story behind Gibson Gorilla and what is Gibson's 'family' history?

    Gibson's name means 'son of Gilbert, the trusted promised one'.  Gilbert Gorilla belonged to the Parish Centre Preschool years prior to Gibson. He has had over seven hundred sleepovers with the children and their families and he has been to Canada, Disneyland, Vanuatu and Fiji.

    You will be astounded by the children's passion in portraying their experiences in Gibson's journal and watch as they delight in reading his journal over and over again - it is such brilliant immersion in literacy!

    I guarantee that your children, staff and families will love Gibson as much as Gilbert has been loved by all at the Parish Preschool."       – Pam McKellar Director/Teacher

    This is the original Gilbert Gorilla!