A valuable teaching resource

 Question:  How will the ‘Gibson Gorilla Kit’ be an asset to my Early Childhood  Centre or class?

 Answer:  Gibson works on so many levels as a ‘resource’.


On a one to one level the children love him, they include him in their play and care for him like a loving parent when they take him home.

• On a wider scale Gibson will be a unifying bond for your community - your shared responsibility will open up pathways between children, parents, staff and extended families and be a source of joy. 

• This well-thought-out resource will provide any educator with a valuable tool to enhance young children’s development in all aspects - physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually.

• It will enrich their self esteem, facilitate their ability to make and deepen relationships, and care for themselves and others.  It will enhance your community’s togetherness and belonging.
Most importantly The Gibson Gorilla Kit will enable you as an educator to show how you are meeting the outcomes  of the EYLF for the children in your care. (See the ‘Teachers Manual and links to the EYLF’ provided in the Kit) 

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